Student Enrollment

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Terms & Conditions

Enrollment Information

Tuition includes instruction, assistance, grading, and a graduation cruise upon satisfactory completion of course work and financial requirements.

I understand that this travel course is for the purpose of training me for a career in travel. Although a systematic attempt to place me in a travel related position with a reputable firm will be made, I fully understand that Direct Travel Academy does not guarantee placement. I have read and understand the Direct Travel Academy refund policy, requirements for satisfactory completion of the course, the Student Complaint Process form, and the Student Code of Conduct form. I understand that I may request a copy of this Enrollment Agreement. My binding signature below confirms that I have read and understand all aspects of this Student Enrollment Agreement.

A copy of your high school diploma or G.E.D. certificate needs to be on file before you receive access to the curriculum.

In consideration of the acceptance of my registration in Direct Travel Academy’s Flex-Study program:

  1. I enrolled and received confirmation on today’s date.
  2. I understand that I must complete the Flex-Study Program within 365 days from my date of enrollment and that I must achieve a grade average of 80% in order to receive my Certificate of Completion.
  3. I acknowledge that Direct Travel Academy is engaged in the business of teaching people to become prepared for a career in the travel industry.
  4. I understand that all training materials are copy righted and I agree that I will not copy or reproduce in any manner or parts thereof, forms, maps, study sheets, quizzes, tests, or other materials of Direct Travel Academy course for any purpose whatsoever without the written consent of Direct Travel Academy.


Student Code of Conduct Policy

Student Code of Conduct Policy

Students enrolled in the Direct Travel Academy’s Travel Industry Training are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner. Conduct that infringes on the quality of the educational experience of others is not acceptable and may result in your dismissal from the program.

Direct Travel Academy’s has established standards necessary to maintain and protect an environment conductive to learning and in keeping with the educational objectives of the school and program. Students are expected to:


  1. Conduct activities according to high ethical principles. These include, but are by no means limited to, honesty, trustworthiness, and an intrinsic respect for the individual. Integrity must be ingrained and supported throughout your time in the program.
  2. Operate in a non-discriminatory manner, practicing the principles of equality, tolerance, respect, and equal justice with instructors, management, administration, and peers. This principle precludes favoritism or discrimination based on race, gender, religion, age, disability, or national origin.
  3. Respect intellectual property rights including those of content providers, instructors, staff, and peers.
  4. Respect privacy rights. The student shall safeguard the privacy and integrity of personal data of his or her instructor and peers.
  5. Comply with the applicable administrative requirements of the program, including submitting assignments in a timely manner, and interacting with other classmates via web-based webinars, etc. and instructors in a professional manner. Responding to communications from the instructor or administration in a timely manner.
  6. Adhere to the individual course/instructor policies and procedures as outlined upon enrollment.
  7. Accept responsibility to do one’s own work, as well as collaborate with other students as necessary, and attend web-based workshops/webinars as encouraged by your instructor.

Any student who violates any of these above-mentioned points is subject to termination of the program. If the termination of a student is due to being inactive for over one year, they have the option to re-enroll for a fee of $200. If a student is terminated due to the above-mentioned points, they are not eligible for re-enrollment.

Student Complaint Process

DT Academy Student Complaint Process

Student Grievance Process

Students have a right to file a complaint with the Direct Travel Academy President/Director. Students are expected to follow the Direct Travel Academy Complaint Process in order to reconcile any complaints in a timely and efficient manner.

Direct Travel Academy
Connie Corbett, President/Director
5236 Vogel Road, Suite B
Evansville IN 47715

The purpose of this policy is to provide a method for prompt and equitable settlement of student-initiated complaints.


  1. Students may pick up a copy of the Student Complaint Form at the Direct Travel Academy office, or request one to be mailed or emailed. Students may also download this form on the Direct Travel Academy website, or fill out the online form.
  2. Each complaint must be completed and submitted to the President/Director during normal business hours (M-F 8:30 am – 5:00 pm)
  3. The complaint form must be received within five (5) business days of the date of the occurrence or matter.
  4. Each complaining student shall file a separate Student Complaint Form.
  5. Within five (5) business days of receiving a complaint, the President/Director of Direct Travel Academy shall route the complaint to the appropriate persons for a response.
  6. The responding person shall send a written response to the President/Director within five (5) business days of receiving the complaint form from the President/Director.
  7. The President/Director shall provide the written response to the complaining student within five (5) business days of receiving the complaint form back from the “responding person”.
  8. The President/Director shall maintain each complaint form for reference.

Students will check off that they have read and understand this policy on the website during the enrollment process.

Direct Travel Academy Refund Policy

The postsecondary proprietary educational institution shall pay a refund to the student in the amount calculated under the refund policy specified below or as otherwise approved by the Office for Career and Technical Schools (OCTS). The institution must make the proper refund no later than thirty-one (31) days of the student’s request for cancellation or withdrawal.

If a postsecondary proprietary educational institution utilizes a refund policy of their recognized national accrediting agency or the United States Department of Education (USDOE) Title IV refund policy, the postsecondary proprietary educational institution must provide written verification in the form of a final refund calculation, upon the request of OCTS, that its refund policy is more favorable to the student than that of OCTS.

The following refund policy applies to each postsecondary proprietary educational institution as follows:

  1. A student is entitled to a full refund if one (1) or more of the following criteria are met:
    1. The student cancels the enrollment agreement or enrollment application within six (6) business days after signing.
    2. The student does not meet the post-secondary proprietary educational institution’s minimum admission requirements.
    3. The student’s enrollment was procured as a result of a misrepresentation in the written materials utilized by the post-secondary proprietary educational institution.
    4. If the student has not visited the post-secondary educational institution prior to enrollment, and, upon touring the institution or attending the regularly scheduled orientation/classes, the student withdrew from the program within three (3) days.
  2. A student withdrawing from an instructional program, after starting the instructional program at a postsecondary proprietary institution and attending one (1) week or less, is entitled to a refund of ninety percent (90%) of the cost of the financial obligation, less an application/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tuition, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100).
  3. A student withdrawing from an instructional program, after attending more than one (1) week but equal to or less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the duration of the instructional program, is entitled to a refund of seventy-five percent (75%) of the cost of the financial obligation, less an application/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tuition, not to
    exceed one hundred dollars ($100).
  4. A student withdrawing from an instructional program, after attending more than twenty-five percent (25%) but equal to or less than fifty percent (50%) of the duration of the instructional program, is entitled to a refund of fifty percent (50%) of the cost of the financial obligation, less an application/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tuition, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100).
  5. A student withdrawing from an instructional program, after attending more than fifty percent (50%) but equal to or less than sixty percent (60%) of the duration of the instructional program, is entitled to a refund of forty percent (40%) of the cost of the financial obligation, less an application/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tuition, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100).
  6. A student withdrawing from an institutional program, after attending more than sixty percent (60%) of the duration of the instructional program, is not entitled to a refund.

Student Protection Fund

IC 22-4.1-21-15 and IC 22-4.1-21-18 requires each educational institution accredited by the Office for Career and Technical Schools to submit an institutional surety bond and contribute to the Career College Student Assurance Fund which will be used to pay off debt incurred due to the closing of a school, discontinuance of a program, or loss of accreditation by an institution. To file a claim, each student must submit a completed “Student Complaint Form.” This form can be found on OCTS’s website at

OCTS Refund Policy Revised 8/21/17